Sweat gland - function and appearance
As sweat glands ( Latin Glandula sudorifera ) are special glands in the skin that release a watery secretion.
Humans have around 2 - 4 million sweat glands.
Most sweat glands are located on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet; The fewest sweat glands are on the head, trunk and extremities.
But those “responsible” for our sweating are the small eccrine glands. Although they are responsible for a large part of the amount of sweat, they also take on the important task of regulating body temperature. There are an average of 50 - 339 eccrine glands per square centimeter of skin.
The apocrine sweat glands are attached to hair follicles and are responsible for body odor , which is why they are also called scent glands . When bacteria form and begin to decompose, their secretion (the apocrine gland) is produced and spreads the characteristic smell of sweat. Unconsciously, they probably also play a role in people's choice of partner.
How many sweat glands do humans have?
Overview table - sweat glands per square centimeter